Edith Feskens new Dean of Research

She will be responsible for quality of research as of April 1.
Edith Feskens. Photo: Bram Belloni

Nutrition professor Edith Feskens will be the new Dean of Research. From April 1, she replaces Wouter Hendriks, whose term then expires.

Starting next month, Feskens will be responsible for the quality of WUR’s PhD and EngD programs. She also advises on research taking place within WUR. And she will do that for three days a week.

The professor of Global Nutrition sees opportunities to better align research and its quality within Wageningen University and Wageningen Research. ‘In this way we can prevent internal competition,’ she says on the WUR website, ‘and moreover allow fundamental and applied research to link up much better. That is important, especially now that funding for research in the Netherlands is under critical scrutiny.’

Feskens knows WUR like the back of her hand. She graduated in Human Nutrition in Wageningen in 1987. After a PhD at Leiden University and various roles at RIVM, she returned to WUR in 2005. Initially as associate professor. In 2008 she was appointed Personal Professor of Nutrition and the Metabolic Syndrome and in 2015 Professor of Nutrition and Health. Since 2018, she has been Professor of Global Nutrition.

Wouter Hendriks is stepping down as of April 1. In the next Resource, published March 13, Resource speaks with Hendriks about his term as Dean of Research.

Translation in progress, for now Translation using DeepL.

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