Franciscus tests TrusTool

App to lower threshold for reporting undesired behaviour.
Photo Guy Ackermans

Wageningen student association KSV Franciscus aims to take steps regarding social safety this year. A well-being committee has been established, and a pilot with TrusTool will soon be launched. This app lowers the bar for reporting undesired behaviour.

Chair Roos Donkers: ‘Awareness for social safety and mental well-being has increased in recent years. Young people from different backgrounds meet in student life in an environment where alcohol is consumed. That increases the chance of something happening.’

An internal survey reveals that the majority of Franciscans feel safe within the association, Donkers states. ‘Very good. However, some also indicated that they feel tense about reporting undesired behaviour. People may feel reluctant to report relatively minor offences that occur at night when many people are inebriated. For example, when someone becomes a little too handsy after one drink too many. Unpleasant, but the day after, you often think “never mind”, while having a conversation with the person who crossed a boundary could be beneficial.’


That is why the association wants to make reporting undesired behaviour easier. Donkers: ‘We will run a pilot with the TrusTool app in period five. The app allows you to report what happened and with whom, and enables you to select what confidential counsellor you want the report sent to. The counsellor can then reach out. The app was designed for student and sports associations, as well as schools and care institutes, and meets all privacy requirements. Data is stored for a predetermined period.’

Donkers says that member surveys and club meetings will serve to determine how the Franciscans feel about the app. ‘There may be no noticeable difference after one period, so we aim to try the app for a longer stretch of time and monitor how it is received every so often. This is ultimately for the benefit of our members.’

Donkers would like to see everyone feel safe enough to speak up about undesired behaviour immediately. ‘But if that is not the case, it helps if reporting such behaviour is as easy as possible.’

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