Clearing the camp on the bridge has not eliminated people’s readiness to take action to force WUR to cut its ties with Israeli institutes: a new petition is circulating among staff, and there is a series of workshops about ‘Cutting the Ties’.
The wording of this petition goes further than the previous one. The signatories – over 300 so far – state for instance that while Israel continues to violate human rights, they will not supervise students at WUR from the exchange programme with HUJI (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) once that becomes possible again. They feel that it would clash with academic ethics and WUR´s own Principles of Collaboration.
Those principles are also addressed by the three-part series of workshops ‘Cutting the Ties’, a collaboration between Scientists4Future, Wageningse Student Encampment and the Activist Academy. The first meeting is this coming Monday evening, from 18:30- 21:30 hrs in Lumen 1 and 2. See Instagram @wageningenencampment.