WUR researchers frequently cited

Among the most frequently cited scientists within their domain are 27 WUR scientists.
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The list of most frequently cited scientists is published annually by the American company Clarivate Analytics. The Highly Cited can be seen as a daily measure of scientific impact. The names on the list matter. It requires multiple publications to be among the 1 per cent most cited researchers within a domain.

WUR scientists are doing well. The 27 names include usual suspects such as Martin van Ittersum, Ken Giller, Marten Scheffer and Wim van der Putten. For Van Ittersum, it is his tenth consecutive year on the list. Just behind him is Ken Giller, who has just retired.


Six of the 27 researchers are female, a new record. New to the list of females is Chinese Xiaomei Yang (Soil Physics and Land Management). It was not until 2016 that the first female Wageningen scientist made it to the list. Of the six females listed currently, aquatic ecologist Ellen Besseling terminated her employment at WUR several years ago, but her publications are still frequently cited.  

1 in 1000

WUR having 27 highly cited scientists is quite an accomplishment. Only Utrecht scores slightly higher with 31 scientists. The Highly Cited features 185 scientists employed at universities and other scientific institutes in the Netherlands. Among them, 16 per cent work in Wageningen. The global total amounts to 6886 names. One in every thousand scientists is highly cited.

Wageningen’s Highly Cited in alphabetical order:

Clara Belzer, microbiologist
Ellen Besseling, aquatic ecologist
Thijs Ettema, microbiologist
Stefan Geisen, nematologist
Violette Geissen, soil physiologist
Ken Giller, plant scientist
Atze Jan van der Goot, food technologist
Jan Willem van Groenigen, soil biologist
Gerard Heuveling, soil scientist
Esperanza Huerta Lwanga, soil physicist
Arnold van Huis, entomologist
Martin van Ittersum, plant scientist
Bart Koelmans, environmental chemist
Joop van Loon, entomologist
Marnix Medema, bio-informaticist
Liesje Mommer, plant ecologist
Oene Oenema, soil scientist
John van der Oost, microbiologist
Wim van der Poel, virologist
Wim van der Putten, nematologist
Marten Scheffer, aquatic ecologist
Hauke Smidt, microbiologist
Wim de Vries, soil scientist
Jakob Wallinga, soil geographer
Guido van der Werf, hydrologist
Dolf Weijers, biochemist

Xiaomei Yang, soil scientist

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