‘Cut all ties’: slogans pasted on Atlas building

A group of ‘outraged students’ daubed the building last night
Last night at the Atlas revolving doors. Photo made by protest group

The Atlas entry was daubed with anti-Israel slogans last night. Texts such as ‘WUR is complicit in genocide’ and ‘cut all ties’ were posted at the entrance to the building.

A group of ‘outraged students’ issued a statement demanding that the university cease all partnerships with Israeli institutes. The group claims they feel ‘outraged and hopeless’: ‘Peaceful protests and negotiations appear to be fruitless, there are people who have called on WUR to cut all ties with Israeli institutes for a year now, and not a single step in that direction has been taken!’.  

The slogans were posted last night, as can be seen on the photographs the protest group sent Resource. According to their statement: ‘After recent footage of the bombing of a hospital in Gaza, we can no longer accept that WUR and the Netherlands allow these acts of terror committed by the Israeli government to continue for a year now.’


WUR spokesperson Vincent Koperdraat says that, as far as WUR is concerned, this is considered vandalism rather than an act of protest. ‘Regrettable, as we have given the protesters so much room to voice their opinion.’ Will the executive board stand by its decision not to sever its ties with Israeli institutes? ‘Indeed, that position remains unchanged.’ Whether this protest will have repercussions for the protesters on the bridge is unclear at this time. Koperdraat: ‘That is still being discussed with the executive board. One thing is crystal clear: this protest is unacceptable.’ WUR will be filing a complaint over destruction of property.

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