Photo series: Soil Drilling Championships 2024

Almost one thousand attendants drilled hundreds of holes in the mud.
The Knitting Club at work. Photo Ruben Eshuis

The Summer Holiday team won the 2024 championships. This year’s theme was “Roman”  (‘I came, I saw, I drilled’). In addition to legionaries, laurel wreaths and togas, there were several brave Gauls to be spotted. The Knitting Club, dressed like a bunch of grapes, won the award for the best costume.

Thijs Heijmer, from the organising committee, looks back upon a successful event. ‘I believe I speak on behalf of the entire team, saying we are exceptionally proud of how the whole thing went. The light rain and resulting mud mostly contributed to the atmosphere. And, although it was quite busy and sometimes rather stressful for the organisation on the night itself, it feels great to see almost one thousand individuals enjoy an event we spent months organising.’

Photos Ruben Eshuis

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