Showcasing the maths experts

The Biometris mathematicians and statisticians step out of the shadows with a consultancy afternoon.
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Much scientific research can’t be done without some serious maths and stats. WUR’s Biometris provides the necessary expertise. But not everyone knows that, says business-unit manager Ron Wehrens. Now Biometris is organizing a consultancy afternoon especially for those people. Speed-dating with a maths whizz.

´We often find scientists have difficulty identifying and applying the right statistical method,’ says Wehrens. ‘We can help them, but many people aren’t aware of that. Now we are organizing a consultancy afternoon to change that situation. We are mainly targeting Wageningen Research. We invite them to come and talk to our consultants about the problems they face, free of obligations.’


‘We prefer to get involved from the start of a project,’ says Wehrens. ‘We can help decide what experimental setup is best for the given aim. In fact, we like to help the researcher reach a sharp definition of the study question at the very start. That is followed by designing experiments that will give maximum information and then analysing the data.’

We like to help the researcher reach a sharp definition of the study question at the very start

Ron Wehrens, Biometris business-unit manager

People coming to the consultancy afternoon are asked to submit a short description of their question in advance. Wehrens: ‘We then reserve an hour for them with one of our consultants. That hour might be enough, or they might need a follow-up whereby we get involved in the project.’ The consultation hour is free but any follow-up costs money.

Drop in

The consultancy afternoon is on 22 October from 14:00 to 17:00 in Impulse. Wehrens: ‘There will be about eight of us, more if necessary. Incidentally, if you don’t have a specific question you can also drop in spontaneously.’

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