Teacher of the Year longlist announced

Two teachers debut in the top ten. Three former winners are also nominated.
Ignas Heitkönig won the last Teacher of the Year award. Photo Resource

Last July, 1334 students cast their votes for their favourite teacher. Sjouke Kingma and Maartje Bulkens are in the top ten for the first time. This year’s award ceremony is on 10 December during Teachers Day, rather than at the end of the academic year as was previously the case.

Apart from a new timeline, there are other changes, says coordinator Alejandra Guijo Bermejo (Education and Student Affairs). ‘As in previous years, there is a student jury, this year consisting of eight students. As usual, they will interview all long-listed teachers. But whereas those interviews used to be used only by the jury itself to choose the top five and the overall winner, this year we are going to record them in a podcast format in the EduMedia studio in Atlas.’

The podcasts are meant to ‘inspire other teachers, other educational staff and students,’ says Guijo Bermejo. The podcasts will be published around the time of the award ceremony.

The longlist (in alphabetical order):

  • Fred de Boer (Teacher of the Year 2019)
  • Maartje Bulkens
  • Julia Diederen
  • Roel Dijksma (Teacher of the Year 2016)
  • Jessica Duncan (Teacher of the Year 2017)
  • Hannie van der Honing
  • Tijs Ketelaar
  • Sjouke Kingma
  • Klaas Metselaar
  • Anneke Valk

The top five — also called the shortlist — are expected to be announced in November. All lecturers on that shortlist will receive an individual teaching bonus worth 1000 euros. You can register for the ceremony here (staff) and here (students).

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