Now the rector magnificus vacancy has officially been published, the speculation can start. Who might become Arthur Mol’s successor? In other words, whose names are being mentioned? Resource lines up five candidates who could be considered eligible based on the profile. In random order.
Marcel Zwietering
professor and Food Microbiology chair holder
Studied Biotechnology at Wageningen and obtained a PhD with distinction here in 1993. Professor since 2003, after a spell with Danone in France. Has a seat in numerous national and international bodies, often as chair. Circumspect, loves meetings and has a large network. Member of the Academic Board. Won the International Association for Food Protection Educator Award in 2019.
Carolien Kroeze
professor and Environmental Systems Analysis chair holder
Studied Biology in Groningen. Obtained her PhD in 1993 at the University of Amsterdam. Has been at WUR since 1995 (after a few years at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment). Is director of graduate school WIMEK (Environment and Climate Research). Her chair group will merge with Water Systems and Global Change on 1 January — a perfect moment for a new job. Has good connections with China, where she is guest professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Is a member of the Recognition & Rewards Committee. Is also guest professor at the Open University of the Netherlands.
Wouter Hendriks
professor and Animal Nutrition chair holder
Studied Animal Nutrition in Wageningen and obtained his PhD for a study on the amino acid requirements for cats at Massey University in New Zealand in 1996. He continued his career there. Came back in 2005 and became professor and chair holder. Since 2008, has also been professor of Animal Nutrition in Utrecht. Hendriks is the current Dean of Research, which gives him a broad view of the research at WUR.
Edith Feskens
professor and Human Nutrition & Health chair holder
Studied Nutrition in Wageningen and obtained her PhD in Leiden in 1991. Then did research on diabetes and obesity at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. Has been at Wageningen since 2005, where she became professor in 2008 and chair holder in 2015. Holds numerous national and international board positions. Is chair of the Nutricia Research Foundation.
Alfons Oude Lansink
professor and Business Economics chair holder
It doesn’t get more Wageningen than this. Studied Agrarian Economics at WUR and obtained his doctorate in 1997. Was researcher and lecturer in Agrarian Economics & the Environment. Switched to Business Economics in 1999. Has been professor since 2003. Has been director of social sciences graduate school WASS since 2014. Is guest professor at Wroclaw University and a member of the Recognition & Rewards Committee.
The new rector must be a professor in Wageningen, an authority in their field and have extensive administrative experience. Candidates must have submitted their application by 18 September at the latest.