Is it realistic to aim for 25% organic farming in the Netherlands in 2030? Resource organises a debate on this issue on 29 April (in English).
Agro-ecological researcher Wijnand Sukkel, who believes that an increase to 25% organic farming is not realistic under the present circumstances, will discuss with Rogier Schulte, professor of Farming Systems Ecology, who feels that it is up to scientists to find solutions for sustainability goals. Ilse Geijzendorffer, director of the Louis Bolk institute for organic agriculture, will also reflect on this issue.
We invite students, scientists and field experts from outside of WUR to take part in this debate. There is ample opportunity for questions and interaction with the audience. The online debate is to take place through MS Teams on 29 April from 12.00 to 13.00 PM.
To obtain a link to the debate, please register by sending an email to stating Debate organic farming in the subject line.