New! Resoure Sofa Science

Today, we launch Resource Sofa Science: WUR-scientists tell their story ‘on the sofa.’
A still from the video

In SofaScience, WUR scientists talk about their research. But that’s not all. The makers of the videos, WUR-students Anna den Hartog and Laura Bergshoef also want to know what motivates them.

Tim van Emmerik, a researcher of plastics, kicks off. Anna: ‘We chose a living room setting because we are not just curious about the scientific details of the research, but also about the personal aspects: why did you choose this research, what motivates you, how does your research impact society, how important is this to a researcher? Now, I don’t just know what drives Tim in his research, but I also discovered that his favourite novel is Beyond sleep, by W.F. Hermans.’

In the next Resource SofaScience, Wieger Wamelink, ecologist and exobiologist (space farmer), tells his story.

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