This is how I work from home: Sander van der Geijn

WUR is working en masse from home. There’s no choice for now. And we are all making do. Sander van der Geijn, product owner at FB-IT, shares his experiences.
Photo: Sander van de Geijn

‘Working at home is great so far! In fact I have even better facilities here than at the office: a nice office with a big screen, and coke in the fridge. I hear from colleagues who work at the kitchen table, and that’s not ideal, of course. 

 I work in the IT department and you can do that perfectly well online through Skype, VPN and the digital desktop. 

At first my girlfriend and I both worked in the study, but I Skype a lot with my team whereas she is working on her PhD research. Now she sometimes sit downstairs and we picked up a noise-cancelling headset from the university. I work in the IT department and you can do that perfectly well online through Skype, VPN and the digital desktop. The only thing I occasionally miss is a whiteboard to work things out on. It suits me fine at the moment, but if it goes on for long I shall miss the social contacts.’ 

This is the eighth part of a series on working from home during the corona crisis. The editorial staff calls a WUR colleague every day to find out how things are going. The illustration is (of course) a selfie or a snapshot taken by a housemate. Would you like to participate? Mail or share via #WURkfromHOME.


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