YOU on campus – ‘I’ve actually done something every year that was more interesting than studying.’

The resits period of the past two weeks meant the library was very busy. Luc Roefs (26), a BSc student of Business and Consumer Studies had to get down to work, too. With one last resit, he is hoping to round off his BSc degree, which has taken six years. ‘I’ve actually done something every…

Text Hannah Begemann

You need more than two hands to count Luc’s extracurricular activities. They range from running a marathon to filming a marriage proposal in a helicopter. ‘Your university days are the ideal time for doing things you really want to do. You can’t do that if you complete your Bachelor’s in three years. So I may have taken longer, but I’ve done things that might not be possible later on.’

Luc’s organization talent has been particularly productive. As a member of Ceres, he was one of those behind the launch of Ceres International, and as a keen sportsperson he helped found the squash club Ballistic. ‘That didn’t exist when I started here. In my second year I asked why not and they said, ‘Just start one!’ So I did, together with two other people, and now the club has about 40 members.’

 They said, just start a squash club. So I did 

Now Luc is working on launching his next society: the Vegan Student Association (VSA) Wageningen. ‘The first VSA was started just over a year ago in Groningen. The national meeting of all the Dutch VSAs made me really enthusiastic, and I set to work, with two other people. We now have four more members and we are all trying to get people interested and attract attention. We are present at lots of activities during the WinterAID, for instance, and we’ll soon be going to VeggieWorld, the biggest plant-based fair in the Netherlands. We are also planning to hold drinks parties, workshops and talks. I hereby urge anyone with any interest in a plant-based diet to come along to one of our events And meateaters are most welcome too, by the way!

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