WSKOV to play new piece on crowds and individuals (video)

Do you sometimes feel you get lonelier the more people there are around you? That is the theme of a brand-new composition that the Wageningen student choir and orchestral society WSKOV will be performing in its annual winter concerts on 13 and 14 December.

In the Blue Night was composed by Reza Namavar specifically for the 13 student orchestras in the Netherlands. They will each perform the piece in their own manner. ‘Each orchestra is different,’ explains Jasper de Graaf (21), Bachelor’s student of Plant Sciences and violinist at WSKOV. ‘That means it will sound different in each city.’

The orchestra has been busy rehearsing since October. De Graaf: ‘In the Blue Night is an unusual work. It is about the contrast between crowds and the individual. The fewer people there are in a place, the more contact there is between them.’ In addition to the new composition, WSKOV will play other works including Northern Lights by Ola Gjeilo and Symphony No. 104 by Haydn.

WSKOV will be performing in the church Johannes de Doperkerk, Bergstraat 17, Wageningen on 13 December and in the Cunerakerk, the church at Kerkplein 1 in Rhenen, on 14 December. Tickets cost 13 euros, or 6 euros for students.


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