
You can do really interesting things with insects

Who? Arnold van Huis, professor of Tropical EntomologyWhat? International press picked up on his book Edible Insects, presenting the current state of knowledge about the consumption of insects ('entomophagy') Why? Entomophagy is a very efficient way of providing the world with more protein

Why did you write such a wide-ranging book about entomophagy?

‘I got the idea in 2010. Eating insects was only a local, Asian thing then and we wanted to turn it into a global issue. The book covers every aspect: gastronomy, economics, culture.’

Is interest in the consumption of insects increasing?

‘Yes, but there are still obstacles preventing the industry taking up insects in a big way. Take legislation for instance. Only in June will it become possible for fisheries to use insects as fish feed. Once such obstacles are eliminated, it could take off fast.’

The biggest problem preventing consumers from eating insects is the disgust factor. Is that a permanent problem?

‘Not at all. I was in Denmark two weeks ago at the renowned restaurant NOMA and they are already using insects. Everyone who works there is given insects to eat. Bit by bit, the entire catering sector is becoming aware that you can do really interesting things with insects. However, for the time being they will remain a delicacy – it is simply too expensive in comparison with meat.’

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