
University has had enough of angry perpetual student

The student who delivered a suspicious package to the Atlas building will not be allowed to complete his studies in Wageningen. That is, if it's up to the university. The 35-year-old man - who has been studying for longer than usual - is fighting his expulsion at the Higher Education Appeals Tribunal, reports De Gelderlander…

The Wageningen man, who started his studies in 1997, has already been barred three times in campus because he has been at loggerheads for years with a professor and a number of deans. The 35-year-old man claims that he is prohibited from graduating from immunology. The package incident, during which the entire Atlas building was evacuated, was the last straw for the university. The management removed his student status on the grounds of misconduct. The law has made this possible since 2010 and the Wageningen man is one of the first to be subjected to it. The man is appealing in court against his deregistration so that he can complete his studies. The judge sympathizes with the reasons for expulsion given by the management board, but finds that communication has been inadequate. It appeared that the man has not been given an official warning. Judgement will be passed in a few weeks.

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