
An evening of out-of-the-box thinking.

What? Open Mind LabWhere? Impulse, Stippeneng 2, WageningenWhen? 12, 14, 19 and 26 June.Start: 20.00 hours, free entrance

Impulse is the new campus meeting place for outpourings of creativity. The first activities will be launched in June, including Studium Generale’s Open Mind Lab. A group of students is running a series of four thematically diverse evenings on slow food, racism, sustainability and policy influencing. Yawn? Not at all, says Sanne Mirck. ‘No dull lectures here. We will make sure each meeting provides a creative opening that brings people out of their comfort zones. So that they can think out of the box and engage in discussions with an open mind.’ During the evening about influencing, for example, the audience will themselves be guinea pigs for a couple of experiments. Arne Hendriks will start the evening on sustainability with a plea for ‘breeding’ smaller people. Seriously. Small is more sustainable. Just a question of keeping an open mind. So be there, says Mirck. ‘You will have an enjoyable evening at any rate, you will learn something new and you will meet new people.’ First off is the evening on slow food next Tuesday, 12 June. Impulse’s whole programme can be viewed at

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