Typical Dutch

The sound of leaping dolphin

The sounds of the earth, just like in a David Attenborough documentary. This earthy music will fill the Forum on 2 June.

A large Bennekom-based orchestra will play the Planet Earth symphony by contemporary Dutch composer Johan van de Meij in the Forum on 2 June. Complete with a choir and accompanying images. ‘All aspects of nature are reflected in the piece’, says clarinettist Hans Kosters with a gleam in his eye. ‘Leaping dolphins, falling lumps of ice, the rising sun. Some of them peaceful, some of them stirring, and very melodious. I have never played anything like it. And with the images to go with it, the music sinks in even better.’ Kosters, who is nearing the end of his PhD research on Food Chemistry, enjoys classical music. He is a member of the OBK Bennekom musical society and plays in a wind quintet. ‘The lovely thing about a brass band is the tone you get thanks to the wide variety of instruments: the clarinets with the oboe, bassoon and flute in a similar range, and on the other hand the big brass instruments and the trumpet.’ He has played the clarinet since he was 11. ‘I didn’t know which instrument I wanted to play, and then a clarinet was put into my hands at the village band association and I have played it ever since.’ The further he got into his PhD research, the less he practised, although he is still aware of the value of music. ‘As soon as you start playing, all your everyday worries fade into the background.’ Tickets:

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