
Disabled students give Wageningen top marks again

Students with a disability are often not exactly pleased with the guidance they get. But like a year ago, they have little to complain about as far as the universities in Wageningen and Twente are concerned.

Almost eight percent of university students who filled out the National Student Survey questionnaire in 2011 indicated that they have some kind of learning disability. Half of them have dyslexia or number blindness, fifteen percent have psychiatric problems and ten percent have a chronic illness. Physical disabilities such as mobility impairment, and visual or hearing impairment add up to seven percent. Just as in 2010, they are most satisfied with Wageningen University, giving it a score of 7.2, and the Twente University (7.01). Some distance behind is the Eindhoven University of Technology (6.76), which has improved tremendously in 2011. At the bottom of the list is again the University of Amsterdam (5.87), lagging even further behind than in 2010. The report ‘Studying with a disability 2011’ is compiled by the Centre for Higher Education Information in Leiden for the Dutch expertise centre for studying with disabilities.

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