
Welcome to The Sower!

The Sower, the ultimate symbol for agricultural education in Wageningen, has moved to campus. The statue still looks a little out of place on the corner next to Atlas.

The Sower’s move reinstates its link with Wageningen UR’s administrative nerve centre. The Sower had stood in front of the Administration Centre from the very beginning in 1926. At that time, the Centre was in the building on Salverdaplein. The university was given the statue, a work by August Falise, as a present by the town of Wageningen to mark 50 years of agricultural studies in the town. At the start of the 1990s the statue moved with the Centre to the new building on Costerweg. The Administration Centre moved to campus just before the New Year and The Sower followed its example today. To the left (not in the photo) is Atlas while the new teaching building Orion can be seen under construction in the background.

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