The code of conduct was signed in the Utrecht University Academy building in the presence of outgoing minister Dijkgraaf and government commissioner Hamer. Photo LKvV

New code of conduct changes course

A total of 49 associations, among whom four from Wageningen, have undersigned the collective code of conduct.

Labour Inspectorate: universities not doing enough to ensure healthy and safe workplace

‘Measures insufficiently focused on tackling the underlying causes.’
Moeten eerstejaars wel of niet verplicht 'seks- en consentles' krijgen? LTAY vindt van yes, WUR is nog niet overtuigd.

No ‘consent class’ for first-year students yet

Let’s Talk About Yes Wageningen considers mandatory workshops a good idea.
Het relatief kleine aantal formele meldingen schetst een vertekend beeld van de werkelijke omvang van grensoverschrijdend gedrag in het hoger onderwijs.

Hamer: ‘Offer sex-ed for first-year students’

Government commissioner recommends steps towards a change in culture.

New code of conduct: what is undesirable behaviour?

The perception of behaviour is now the benchmark, rather than the intention.
De WUR-gedragscode is helde rover ongevraagde aanrakingen: niet doen.

Big increase in reports of inappropriate behaviour at universities

Media highlight national developments and actual cases; Radboud University in the crosshairs.
Dansende mensen in een club

Student pact: wrong message?

The new pact against transgressive behaviour has not led to just a…
Afsluitend feest AID 2022, Foto Marieke Enter

House of Representatives wants Me Too lessons during the introduction weeks

WUR focused on the issue during the 2022 AID and will ‘certainly…

New: Walk-in consultation social safety

A weekly social safety consultation hour is held in Forum.

Ombudsperson’s annual report: ‘conflict management skills sometimes lacking’

Employees report more incidents than students; most issues are related to social…