[The Proposition] ‘The requirement for PhD propositions outside of science is fundamentally elitist of the candidate and the university.’

PhD candidates explain their most thought-provoking proposition. This time Ben Auxier.

[The Proposition] ‘Limited freedom in proposition compilation renders the added value for a PhD thesis obsolete.’

PhD candidates explain the most thought-provoking proposition in their thesis. This time…
Stelling online UK

[The Proposition] ‘Once you lower your expectations, life becomes much easier’

PhD candidates explain their most thought-provoking proposition. This time Chunzhe Lu.

[The Proposition] ‘Birth control is the most effective strategy to respect planetary boundaries’

PhD candidates explain their most thought-provoking proposition. This time Loekie Schreefel.
De Stelling Emotiemanagement EN

[The Proposition] ‘For a successful PhD trajectory, emotion management is needed more than intelligence’

PhD candidates explain their most thought-provoking proposition. This time Hanan Tadele Dessalegn.

[The Proposition] ‘Weight discrimination is completely accepted in our society.’

PhD candidates explain their most thought-provoking proposition. This time Abel Boerboom.

[The Proposition] ‘Good birders make good scientists’

PhD candidates explain their most thought-provoking proposition. This time Jasper Lamers.

[The Proposition]: ‘There is a racist in everyone: the way to get rid of it is education.’

PhD candidates explain their most thought-provoking proposition. This time Patrick Schimmel.

[The Proposition]: ‘How you live your day is how you live your life’

PhD candidates explain their most thought-provoking proposition. This time Jing Jin.

[The Proposition] ‘Sandwich PhD works 20 hours per day.’

PhD candidates explain their most thought-provoking proposition. This time Ahmad Dermawan.