Lobby for rent subsidies for student houses

Interest group Kences aims to stimulate the construction of student houses with shared amenities with subsidies.

Marijkeweg student complex ready in September

The new student complex M20 will have 210 student rooms with shared…
En alwéér je verhuisdozen inpakken

House members shocked: students do not qualify for fixed lease

‘This causes students to hop from temporary lease to temporary lease.’

New apartment buildings near Bornsesteeg

Idealis wants to construct two new student buildings next to the Bornsesteeg…

Welcome a student into your home

Wageningen urges residents to make a room available.

Service fees Duivendaal excessive

The service fees for Duivendaal were too high, according to tenants. They…

First-year students have a roof overhead

Thanks to the opening of the Costerweg housing complex, all first-year students…

Costerweg tenants receive keys

Tenants of the new student housing complex on the Costerweg received their…

New student complex Costerweg 65 to be completed this month

The completion of the Idealis housing complex is planned for Friday, 24…
Een lange rij wachtenden

Wageningen has the second shortest waiting time for student housing

In university cities in the metropolitan area, students sometimes graduate before housing…