Tits lay eggs earlier in warm spring

PhD candidate Irene Verhagen discovered that the temperature determines directly when great tits lay their eggs. This information is important for predicting whether birds will…

Beating malnourishment with traditional drinks

Traditional Zambian drinks such as mabisi and munkoyo could help children get…

Health is also food industry’s responsibility

The food industry has a responsibility toward people regarding nutrition-related health problems…

Herd behaviour can lead to healthy choices

It is a well-known phenomenon that people like to buy what others…

New light on riddle of bird migration

The migration of seabirds has long been a bit of a mystery.…

Breeding good farmed fish is a precise business

Livestock breeders develop animals with particular traits such as a high milk…

‘Wild fathers are good for kids’

Two stair gates?? That’s overdoing it! Marije van Doorn-van Atten’s husband is…

‘Get away from focus on weight’

The younger children are when you start treating them for overweight, the…

‘Researchers are failing to share their results with the general public’

Bananas heal cancer and vaccines cause autism. Fernando Garcia calls on scientists…

40 years of phots reveal degradation: Five to twelve for the reef

Three quarters of the coral reef around Curaçao and Bonaire has disappeared…