Tips against dips*

*Covid dips, remote working dips, online learning dips, curfew dips, stress dips and motivation dips

‘Tenure track is a system that has been fairly effective’

Wouter Peters discusses the current tenure track system.

‘Quantitative criteria are no longer a means of determining quality but an end in themselves’

Jasper Candel discusses the system of the tenure track.

‘The aim is to contribute to the university’s strategy’

Ton Bisseling discusses the current tenure track system.

‘Tenure track is a non-stop race’

Betina Piqueras-Fiszman discusses the system of the tenure track.

‘Tenure trackers could be judged on their full portfolio’

Kevin Matson discusses the system of the tenure track.

‘We need to find a good balance’

Yuling Bai discusses the system of the tenure track.

WUR starts education project in Iraq

WUR will support six Iraqi universities.

WUR number one for the fifteenth time in a row

For the fifteenth time in a row, WUR is the best university…
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Hopes and fears for green education

Ten days ago the Lower House of the Dutch parliament passed a…