Een stapel proefschriften

PhD theses in a nutshell

Protein from rice bran, unchartered territory and extractor fan for cows.
De draaimelkstal, annex melkcarrousel, op de Dairy campus

Checking out the campus cows

Over 450 visitors came to look around and cuddle on the Dairy…
Cow and calf in straw bedding

Contact matters for cow and calf

PhD candidate Margret Wenker investigated the effect of contact between the cow…
Kalf in kalveriglo

‘The court read our report very closely’

Key role for WUR Discomfort Analysis in animal suffering court case.

Yeast to replace cow

Can you get yeast to produce milk proteins and do away with…

3D camera spots the sick cows

It is possible to use a 3D camera to find out what…