Soundproofing using pig manure

Six Wageningen master’s students have developed a soundproofing material from pig manure. They hope it will win them the Biobased Innovation Student Challenge Europe (BISC-E)…
Kitchen in student house

Phantom students cost the municipality money

Wageningen municipality probably misses out on thousands of euros because of phantom…

Where are smokers to go? – No more smoking areas in student societies

All smoking areas in Dutch catering outlets must close a, which poses…

Duivendaal residents still waiting for cash

Many residents of Duivendaal have been waiting nearly a year for a…

Hard work in a gorgeous setting

The experience of working and living at Oxford University is quite surreal.

Meanwhile in… Greece

A fire broke out in the Moria migrant camp in Lesbos on…
Logo Grow Scientific Progress

Wanted: one million signatures to change European breeding legislation

According to students, European legislation gets in the way of new breeding…

Wageningers at Extinction Rebellion protest in Amsterdam (video)

The Extinction Rebellion protesters demand more serious measures against climate change.

YOU on campus – ‘These are the little things you can do yourself’

'If you have really good ideas, try to find the right person…

Waar moeten rokende studenten heen nu ook de rookruimte is verboden?

Binnen roken mag niet meer, buiten roken veroorzaakt overlast.