New methane-forming archaeon cultivated

The production of methane by microorganisms is more widespread than was thought.

The student diet: beer, bread, bananas, peanut butter and pizza

This finding and more came out of from the first year of…

Strange agouti caught on camera

Students in Bolivia spot rare natural phenomenon.
Human ‘exhaust fumes’ — the air we breathe out and our farts — can provide an indication of the health of our intestines. Photo Shutterstock

Human ‘exhaust fumes’ as indicator of intestinal health

Farts help analyse what is going on in the intestines.
De pakhuizen aan de Amsterdamse grachten

Amsterdam city tours barely acknowledge colonial past

This finding comes from a new publication and additional research on slavery-related…
Europees onderzoeksgeld voor vijf jonge Wageningse onderzoekers

Five ERC Starting Grants go to Wageningen researchers

The personal grants are worth 1.5 million euros on average.

Two WUR PhD candidates in the FOOD100 list

Social scientists crowned ‘food change leaders’.
Emeritus professor Willem de Vos wondered: ‘What would happen if we took this bacterium from healthy people and gave it to sick people — via a supplement?’ Photo Shutterstock

Bacterium from healthy guts helps diabetics control their disease

Because diabetes patients need them in their own intestines.
Een landschapsdienst avant la lettre: de Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen

Study on landscape services and the link between urban and rural areas

NWO earmarks 5.5 million euros for five-year research project, Fertile Soils.
De Kluizenaar op z'n buik op de bodem

Ode to the nematode (and other soil organisms)

Soil biology research inspires sound artist Remco de Kluizenaar to compose music.