Debat over CRISPR-Cas: focus niet alleen op risico’s

CRISPR-Cas is safer than traditional breeding methods, stated John van der Oost during the Resource debate on CRISPR-Cas that was held on 20 May in…

Paint that never fades

What if you never had to climb the ladder to repaint your…

‘In theory, there’s enough space on the roofs’

In order to reach our climate targets, a lot more solar farms…

Luisa Trindade wants to make jeans from tomatoes

The recently appointed professor with a personal chair Luisa Trindade breeds crops…

Wageningen project in Ethiopia receives prize for agriculture and food

The Wageningen project ‘Innovation Mapping for Food Security’ (IM4FS) has won the…

WUR and TU will develop sustainable agriculture in Brabant

At the Eindhoven University of Technology, the good intentions for collaboration were…

‘Get away from focus on weight’

The younger children are when you start treating them for overweight, the…

‘Researchers are failing to share their results with the general public’

Bananas heal cancer and vaccines cause autism. Fernando Garcia calls on scientists…

40 years of phots reveal degradation: Five to twelve for the reef

Three quarters of the coral reef around Curaçao and Bonaire has disappeared…

Three-quarters of coral around Curaçao and Bonaire gone

Over the last forty years, the coral reefs around Curaçao and Bonaire…