WUR is making full use of sun

WUR is not letting the grass grow under its feet when it comes to generating solar energy. The roofs of several buildings have recently been…

Five Wageningen researchers get grants from diplomacy fund

Five Wageningen researchers are going to strengthen their international network thanks to…

Martin Scholten to be WUR’s ‘man in Brussels’

Martin Scholten is stepping down as director of the Animal Sciences Group…

Idealis has no more vacant rooms than usual

In spite of a number of students vacating their rooms earlier than…

Military orchid on campus

There is a military presence in the natural garden behind the Lumen…

Emergency fund for students and PhD’s now open

Students and PhD candidates experiencing financial difficulties due to the corona crisis,…

Three-quarters working from home

Fewer than three-quarters of WUR staff are working from home. They are…
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‘The flames leapt metres high from the roof’

A lovely spring day reminds Eugene van Meteren of a hot summer’s…

Willen we wel terug naar de campus?

Working from home will probably remain the rule until September. So WUR…

New collective labour agreement Universities: pay rise and bonus

University employees are to receive a 3 per cent salary increase and…