Artist impression van het gebouw

Plus Ultra III is coming

Construction will start next week on the third multi-occupant hub on campus.
In de arbeidsmarkt wordt zo ongeveer gevochten om jonge finance-professionals.

Traineeships in the fight for young financial talent

‘We are in dire need of extra people to relieve the work…
Marten Scheffer in de vijver bij zijn kunstwerk 'must leave'.

Where should the water beetle ‘Must Leave’ actually go?

Short answer: nowhere for now. But you never know...
Vrouw houdt portemonnee vast.

Chinese Scholarship Council has not increased scholarships

Scholarships so far fail to meet the IND norm set by WUR.

Renewed wall of fame: less Harry Potter, more diorama

Digital screens are an (inter)national example.
Vrouw krijgt stoelmassage

No massages if in doubt

The popular option of having a massage at the employer’s expense will…

Pro-Palestine action in Atlas

Activists smeared blood on statue of Ceres.

How can university and college media remain independent?

NVJ and VWN organised an afternoon debate on a “concerning trend”.

New data science programme one step closer

The Student Staff Council has approved the Bachelor of Data Science for…

Journalist associations: Better protection for university media needed

‘Room to operate depends on the administration’s leniency.’