Soap around bicycle lane on campus nearing conclusion

‘To be ready in the summer of 2025.’

ABP cuts investments in deforestation. Or does it?

The retirement fund cuts its investments, but too slowly, say WUR employees.

Stress about desks

Losing their own desks causes serious frustration among WUR employees.

PhD candidates worried about hot desking

Two out of three PhD candidates think the introduction of the flexible…

Young scientists’ representation seeks reinforcements

‘We provide solicited and unsolicited advice. On the tenure track, for example,…
Summervibes festival

Second edition of Summervibes festival under development 

Organisers want a second stage, directors behind the bar and… better weather.

Ailing royal tree replaced

PR spot near Altas destroys hardy rubber tree after five years.
Vorig jaar was de helft van de nieuw benoemde hoogleraren aan Wageningen Universiteit een vrouw.

Monitor female professors in 2022: Wageningen shows steepest increase

At a national level, the increase in female professors is slowing down:…

Increasing discomfort over agri-influence at WUR

Protest to push WUR to sever ties with ‘big agro’.

Dijkgraaf  raises the banner for freedom of the press in tertiary education

‘Freedom of expression and freedom of press are prerequisites for academic freedom.’