Series: Flower hunting – Field scabious

Master’s student and editor at Resource Julia van der Westhuyzen and Professor Joop Schaminée look for campus flora.

Grant for work on microbes

Biotechnologists want to use new electron carriers in bacteria and yeast to…

Summer plans? Conference on water scarcity

Five WUR students are in Morocco for an international conference on water…
Dutch train

Bus instead of train due to station renovation

Train station Ede-Wageningen temporarily closed; WUR students show newcomers the way.

AID fully vegetarian for first time

Last year, the menu included a flexitarian option.
Creepy bunny, down the rabbit hole

‘Tipping-point professor’: social stress reinforces harmful beliefs

A basic income can be an effective approach for combatting conspiracy theories,…
Arie Nieuwenhuizen

These are the top five Teachers of the Year

The nominees for the Excellent Education Prizes have also been announced.
Drying lavender in the sun

Honours students develop virtual smell museum

'Smell has a great influence on many dimensions of a person's life.'

Series: Flower hunting – kidney vetch

Master’s student Julia van der Westhuyzen and Professor Joop Schaminée look for…

Strategic advice from student consultants

Wageningen now has its own branch of student consultancy agency De Kleine…