Bricks but no mortar

Typical Dutch
Every old house and many footpaths in the Netherlands are made of grey-brown bricks. Why are bricks so commonly used in the Netherlands, I wonder?

Diary of a caretaker – ‘Sobbing, she said sorry at least 10 times

Idealis caretaker Eugene van Meteren comes across all kinds of things on…
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YOU on campus – ‘My dream is to open a restaurant’

Filippo Case (24) is a second year master student Food Quality Management.…

Meanwhile in… Greece

Turkey is letting asylum seekers cross its borders into the EU. As…

Culinary campus wishes

Does the campus need a sober bar or a starred restaurant? Is…

myWURspace: ‘plan it properly’

It’s not easy to let go of having a desk of your…

Food for the immune system

Food components and their breakdown products can activate the immune system in…

‘Best employer’ says something but not everything

Last week it was announced that WUR had come out as the…

Column: #NietMijnSchuld

There is a campaign underway with the hashtag #NietMijnSchuld (NotMyDebt / NotMyFault…

Chlamydiabacterie leidt eenzaam bestaan in Noordelijke IJszee

Relatives of the Chlamydia trachomatis bacterium, which causes the sexually transmitted disease…