Drying lavender in the sun

Honours students develop virtual smell museum

'Smell has a great influence on many dimensions of a person's life.'

Series: Flower hunting – kidney vetch

Master’s student Julia van der Westhuyzen and Professor Joop Schaminée look for…

Series: Flower hunting – the greater yellow-rattle

Master’s student Julia van der Westhuyzen and Professor Joop Schaminée look for…

Who goes there?

88-year-old Gijs Knopperts goes running at de Bongerd every morning.

Four uncertainties on free CRISPR-Cas patents

Student Sophie van Wijk: how to end world hunger with free patents.

[no]WURries: Summer fun

'Is there something to do in summer in Wageningen?'

Flavours of WUR: Tabouleh

Marc Daniel, MSc student of Forest and Nature Conversation from Lebanon, makes…

Fresco’s legacy

Resource asked around what Louise Fresco meant for WUR as board President.

Column Guido Camps: Many thanks

‘As a thank you, they receive a travel expenses form.’

Series: Flower hunting – the southern marsh orchid

Master’s student Julia van der Westhuyzen and Professor Joop Schaminée look for…