Meat substitute as basis for vegetarian dogfood

The substitute is well digestable, but not yet ready to be sold in pet shops.
Vier sportieve ouderen op een rij

Risk of muscle loss in old age differs per ethnic group

This was discovered by WUR PhD student Berber Dorhout.

A little wiser: Why do some birds migrate south in winter?

Some birds migrate south, some not. What's the decisive factor in this?

A little wiser: How do you forecast a horrific winter?

How does a meteorologists know that there’s a cold winter ahead?

UV light keeps donated breastmilk usable and healthy

This was discovered by Wageningen scientists and their colleagues at Amsterdam University…

A nose for fatty foods

People can smell if, and how much, fat their food contains.

Multiple factors influence vegetarian option

In addition to health, flavour, preparation, texture and more are of influence.

White begins, black wins?

Plant black mustard puts cabbage white in check in evolutionary chess game.

Juicier and healthier vegetarian meat thanks to heated soya-protein

PhD student Yu Peng discovers the extra step towards tasty veggie burgers.

Bacterium makes the male parasitic wasp redundant

A bacterium in the reproductive organs of female parasitic wasps intervenes in…