Boog van het theater van  the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Petition to sever ties with Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Petition follows recent statement by executive board on Israel and Hamas dialogue.
Moeten eerstejaars wel of niet verplicht 'seks- en consentles' krijgen? LTAY vindt van yes, WUR is nog niet overtuigd.

No ‘consent class’ for first-year students yet

Let’s Talk About Yes Wageningen considers mandatory workshops a good idea.

Bas clambered out of a deep, dark valley

‘The most important thing I’ve learned is to share emotions.’

Horse’s hoof project

Tracking down the cause of laminitis with organoids.
Schapen in een mistige weide.

Bluetongue: ‘Situation very concerning’

'If there are no hitches, a vaccine could be ready for use…
De catalogus behandelt in totaal tien categorieen nature-based solutions.

Showcase for nature-based solutions

There is a rapidly increasing interest in nature-based solutions. The catalogue provides…
Man en vrouw in het magazijn

Cupid on campus: relationship code

‘Every love affair must be reported to the line manager or HR.’
Mensen buiten bij Atlas.

WU has happiest Dutch university staff

The report has nothing to say on the topic of hot-desking.
WEcR's calculations predict considerable loss of income for farmers

Fall in farm incomes without state support

‘For many farms it will be an an impossible task without solid…
Offices in Radix

Resistance to hot-desking at Plant Sciences too

‘Don’t dismiss our concerns and practical objections as misunderstandings’