Videokunstenaar Juul van der Laan bij de ruimte waar haar werk I M U is te zien (ruimte 360, in de bibliotheek).

Philosophical video essay I M U on display in library

Video artist offers interactive, critical self-reflection in partnership with philosopher Mogobe Ramose.

Update: TOTY Birgit Boogaard on Palestine protest: ‘I truly hope Wageningen can be an example’

Teacher of the Year reflects on the student protests at Wageningen.

‘Nature boost’ for EU elections

Wageningen people start initiative with stories about nature and sustainability based on…
One of the eight serious games developed by the 45 participating students

Playful conclusion to Redesigning Global Farming & Food Systems Master’s course

‘Serious games’ developed by students get played for real.

Labour Inspectorate: universities not doing enough to ensure healthy and safe workplace

‘Measures insufficiently focused on tackling the underlying causes.’
The activists crossed the entire campus. Photo Resource

Peaceful walkout

‘We will keep going after this too. This isn’t the end!’
Birgit Boogaard bij de landelijke verkiezing van de Teacher of the Year 2023.

Ending Birgit Boogaard’s TOTY year with AI video art and the Walk of Fame

Just one last story about the national title won by WUR teacher…
Een kraan laat een mini-versie van de mosselfarm-constructie  te water.

Study on mussel farm with adjustable depth

Test version soon to be shipped to Borssele Wind Park.

‘Things are not decided ex nihilo’

Guest lecture on Agricultural Policy from the heart of Brussels.
In de arbeidsmarkt wordt zo ongeveer gevochten om jonge finance-professionals.

Traineeships in the fight for young financial talent

‘We are in dire need of extra people to relieve the work…