Dansende mensen in een club

Student pact: wrong message?

The new pact against transgressive behaviour has not led to just a positive response. There is also criticism.
Het bermmonument ter nagedachtenis aan Shreya Nair

Roadside memorial for student killed in traffic

The municipality will allow the memorial to remain by the roadside indefinitely.

Veggie versus meat no longer an issue during AID BBQ

No protesting alumni in this edition.
Remco de Kluizenaar bij zijn Noordzee-opstelling in de Grote Kerk

Sounds of Science in church

Sound art about scientific research around the protein transition and sound in…
Meeuw met plastic afval

WUR ‘plastics researcher’ in race for title of greatest science talent in the Netherlands and Belgium

Tim van Emmerik is competing with 14 other young science talents.

Attention requested for inclusion during introduction days

AID Board already partly complying with Expertise Centre recommendations.
The Veni Grant is a personal grant for young researchers who recently received their doctorate. Photo Shutterstock  

Nine Veni Grants to WUR researchers 

Researchers are ‘excited and humbled’, according to their happy posts on social…

New avian influenza variant: infection near WUR facilities in Flevoland

The Wageningen Bioveterinary Research site on Houtribweg lies just outside the restricted…

Animal testing increased in 2022, especially with fish 

Less animal testing in the future, predicts ASG Director Ernst van den…
Aan de nieuwe octrooirechtbank de taak om te bepalen of Plant-e's octrooi wordt geschonden. Foto Shutterstock

WUR spin-off files lawsuit with new patent court

'Patent rights are crucial for valorisation of knowledge developed at Dutch universities.'