Second round of the solar parks competition

Grand prize: Advice from and research by Wageningen experts for improved environmental quality.
Ralph Buij toont de indrukwekkende spanwijdte (foto

Bearded vulture in fatal accident was not shot after all

The Netherlands’ first wild bearded vulture on a Wageningen dissecting table: ‘Naturalis…
Geblinddoekte kunst

Action evidence removed quickly again

This time, the results of the action on campus were removed even…
Birgit Boogaard tussen haar studenten

Birgit Boogaard elected national teacher of the year

Award with a message: focus more on real inclusion.
'Stop the killing in Iran'

Dancing on the market square: #illegalinIran

Let’s Talk About Yes organises a dance protest for human rights in…
Campus, generiek beeld

NWO-grant for refugee scientists

Two out of eleven applicants receive a grant to conduct research at…
De geblinddoekte Zaaier. Foto Marieke Enter

Zaaier blindfolded – for a short time

Scientist Rebellion’s tongue-in-cheek protest rapidly removed from campus.
pop-up parkje op de parkeerplaats bij Gaia / Lumen

Park and petition from mobility protest group

Traffic to and from the campus should focus less on cars, says…
Fruit & veggies

Wageningen supports motion for a reduced VAT rate on vegetables and fruit

“Unacceptable if the Netherlands allows legal complications to outweigh public health.”
Solarpark De Kwekerij in de beginfase 2017): energie-opwek, natuurontwikkeling en recreatie.

Change of course needed for solar and wind parks, say WUR experts

Promising combinations with nature, landscape or agriculture remain largely unexploited.