In love with the food forest: Bachelor’s student to plant trees for food in France

Rémi Feraut (23) saw his first food forest during a mini-internship in the first year of his BSc degree in Plant Sciences. Now he is…

WUR-students go on hunger strike for climate action

Anni Schlüter (21) and Malik Dasoo (24) are going on a hunger…

Go-ahead for loan system money plan

WUR’s plan to invest the loan system money in teaching quality has…

Master’s student Pepijn Heerkens Thijssen is looking for a kidney donor: ‘Dialysis is such a drag’

When you meet him, Pepijn Heerkens Thijssen seems just like any other…

WUR joins network for innovation in science education

WUR has joined CDIO (conceive, design, implement, operate), a worldwide network for…

‘Sail to the COP’ becomes ‘Rail to the COP’

The young people of Sail to the COP, some of them Wageningen…

A new circular sport to clean plastic soup from ocean

Fishing nets account for about 46 percent of the plastic soup in…

Where are smokers to go? – No more smoking areas in student societies

All smoking areas in Dutch catering outlets must close a, which poses…

Duivendaal residents still waiting for cash

Many residents of Duivendaal have been waiting nearly a year for a…

Wageningers at Extinction Rebellion protest in Amsterdam (video)

The Extinction Rebellion protesters demand more serious measures against climate change.