How will PVV and NSC’s victory impact tertiary education and science?

Both parties aim to stop the internationalisation of higher education.

Debate: Omtzigt wants Dutch language back at technical universities as well

Rob Jetten provided some counterweight during the EenVandaag debate.
'Gebrek aan beleid maakt de wetenschap als geheel kwetsbaar voor greenwashing', stelt S4F in de open brief. Foto Shutterstock

‘NWO and KNAW must be more critical towards fossil industry’

Many Wageningen names among signers open letter Scientists for Future.

House of Representatives lowers interest on loan “unlucky students”

Proposal to lower interest rate to zero didn’t make it.

KNAW president on knowledge security: ‘Don’t slam the door shut’

KNAW calls screening of non-European scientists ‘disproportionate’.

Censored article in Eindhoven was about rector’s conflicting interests

‘Long live the undesired publication! That is the one serving the academic…

TU Eindhoven university magazine goes black in protest

Publication of an article on conflicts of interest was prohibited by the…
De rente op studieleningen loopt flink op, voorspelt het Financieele Dagblad

Interest on student loans increases to 2.5 per cent

‘This is the umptieth financial blow for students’, say student organisations.

Speech from the Throne: equal opportunities start with decent education

No policies were announced, but education and research were mentioned.

Exploring the future of education shows a myriad of political options

Should education better align with the employment market, societal challenges or individual…