En alwéér je verhuisdozen inpakken

House members shocked: students do not qualify for fixed lease

‘This causes students to hop from temporary lease to temporary lease.’

Women lead at seven universities

Many women have penetrated the higher echelons of Dutch tertiary education.
Photo Shutterstock

House adopts numerus clausus for internationals

The House of Representatives has adopted a numerus clausus for international students.

Slightly fewer international students enrol in universities

Nation-wide, the number of students embarking on a bachelor’s programme dropped by…
Studenten op de brug bij Orion in de winter.

How does background affect your opportunities at the university?

WUR and five other universities analyse data on students with a migration…
Het relatief kleine aantal formele meldingen schetst een vertekend beeld van de werkelijke omvang van grensoverschrijdend gedrag in het hoger onderwijs.

Hamer: ‘Offer sex-ed for first-year students’

Government commissioner recommends steps towards a change in culture.

Platform ScienceGuide may stop

Independent news website focussing on tertiary education in dire financial straits.

Calling on ABP: stop investing in occupied Palestinian territories

The Rights Forum claims the fund has invested 2.5 billion euros in…

Dijkgraaf  raises the banner for freedom of the press in tertiary education

‘Freedom of expression and freedom of press are prerequisites for academic freedom.’

Unlucky generation of students benefits from inflation

New cabinet measure adds some 200 euros to compensation for ex-students.