“Grappig” is a funny word for funny’ – Learning Dutch helps international students to integrate

Student life
International students in Wageningen can easily get away without learning Dutch. And yet there are students who take the trouble to learn the language. ‘If…

Meteorologist measures how Amsterdam ‘breathes’

Student life
How does Amsterdam ‘breathe’? To find out, Bert Heusinkveld of the Meteorology…
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Goodbye heavy wallet!

Student life
One day, I was buying some fruit and vegetables at the market…

‘Some people in Sierra Leone eat their sick animals’

Student life
Who? Leah Situnayake, MSc International Development, from Sri Lanka What? Thesis on…
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YOU on campus – It was a culture shock

Student life
‘Let me put on some lipstick before we take the picture.’ Rosalie…
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Meanwhile in… Egypt

Student life
A critical video posted on social media got the Egyptian Amal Fathy…
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Happy about four more years of Fresco?

Student life
The Supervisory Board has reappointed Louise Fresco as president of the WUR…

‘My whole life is a gift’ – Han Zuilhof, the philosophical chemist

Student life
He could have become a philosopher but he chose a career in…
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From all the corners of the earth – The changing face of the WUR international student

Student life
From planters’ sons from the Dutch East Indies to PhD students from…
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‘You even have to repeat animal experiments’

Student life
Nadia Vendrig understands that people want animal experiments kept to a minimum.…