Studying Indonesia’s palm oil policy

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Who? Gersom van der Elst, Master’s student of Environmental SciencesWhat? Thesis at the Centre for International Forestry ResearchWhere? Bogor, Indonesia
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YOU on campus – Better a six without stress than a seven without a life

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That Jody Berkelmans (23) has time for a chat is quite special…
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Meanwhile in… Mexico

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Even though president Trump has ended the family separation resulting from his…

Wageningen rowers in Shanghai

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Argo rowers Arlette de Vegt and Tijmen van Rietbergen will be temporarily…
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Expanded sports centre is almost too small again

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De Bongerd Sports Centre was expanded two years ago with a new…

Your summer reads?

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It’s almost holiday time, the ideal moment to get some reading done.…

Carefully cutting into genes – Spinoza winner John van der Oost: ‘CRISPR-Cas is genuinely revolutionairy’

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Last week, John van der Oost received the ‘Dutch Nobel Prize’. There…

Idea seeks entrepreneur – Entrepreneurship in Wageningen could use a boost

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Wageningen researchers and graduates don’t stand out for their entrepreneurial qualities, which…

‘Once you turn 30 you are a dinosaur’

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Gut bacteria and ballroom dancing. These two themes have dominated the life…

Poorly chosen name increases resistance to technology

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‘Genomics? Oh, tinkering with genes!’Scientists should think much harder about the names…