WUR student will attend prestigious Roche Continents

Naomi van den Berg (23) will represent WUR at Roche Continents, a prestigious event for a hundred top-talented students of European universities. During the five-day…

200 international agricultural journalists meet up in Wageningen

Over two hundred journalists from more than forty countries are in Wageningen…
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Children create agricultural robots using Lego during WUR conference

Building an autonomous robot that can follow a path gathering maize and…

Focus on sustainability during Wageningen TEDx event

A multinational team of Wageningen students and PhD candidates is organising a…
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Photos: Farmer’s fun at Argo

Take a break from rowing to pull tractors, saw tree trunks and…

Resistance against solar meadows on WUR grounds

WUR should cover the roofs on campus with solar panels before they…
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WUR receives 11 million euros for climate research

The Dutch Climate Agreement, for which the outlines were presented yesterday, has…

Student café on campus: My Life’s Getting Better

The largest space of Campus Plaza will soon house the long-awaited student…

Student Alliance wants ticket sales point on campus

Student Alliance Wageningen (SAW) has entered discussions with the province of Gelderland,…

Blog: Nothing beats farm excursions

Field trips are a great occasion for showing off glamour farm clothes,…