Blog: There is a certain magic to thirty students visiting a farm together

Wageningen University is great for many reasons. One of those reasons is the opportunity to have real-life experiences in the field, says blogger Donatella Gasparro.

Bee research: keeping it safe

On Wednesday 1 August, a WUR bee scientist had to be taken…

Comic book to help choose a study programme

What do I want to study? This is a choice that many…

Hoppy 100 Years beer: not as hoppy as one would expect

Hoppy 100 Years: a beer brewed to celebrate the university’s centennial. It…

‘Fires bring rejuvenation’

There are currently many wildfires in southern and northern Europe, but also…

YOU on campus – Thesis strategy: taking a lot of breaks

He is sitting by the water, enjoying the sunshine while eating his…

Students Greenhouse Challenge enter final phase

While their fellow students were on holiday, the students of GreenWURks worked…
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Blog: Breaking the shackles of the sedentary lifestyle of students

An average student spends almost 8 hours just sitting on a daily…

Cleaning advice for PAH-contaminated dredging: oxygen and patience

Oxygen and time: the best solution for sludge contaminated with toxic PAHs.…

European Court restricts new genetic techniques

On Wednesday, the European Court of Justice ruled that new gene processing…