Blog: How I made peace with the turbulent Dutch weather

One would expect that, after one year in the Netherlands, blogger Kaavya Raveendran would have aced the art of gaining control of the weather. But…

Blog: Showing your design to the audience is a huge release

For nine months, blogger Lotje Hogerzeil worked toward the moment when the…

Interviewing Native Americans about health

Who? Simone Uijttewaal, Communication, Health and Life Sciences Master’s studentWhat? Internship at…

Take care when upscaling innovations

Upscaling innovations without giving it due thought can go badly wrong. PhD…
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Extra funding for chair groups

The Executive Board decided this summer to allocate an extra 40,000 euros…
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Students in Nano want rent refund

Socius’s temporary housing in Nano, the former chemistry building at De Dreijen,…

Healthy food is not as tasty

Food lovers have always said so, and now there is proof: healthy…

Societies attract fewer new member

For the first time in years, the number of people joining student…

Rutte knows ‘Wageningen’s secret’

The prime minister Mark Rutte was a very complimentary guest when he…

Obsessed with a suntan

Dutch people want to get tanned in the spring and summer; they…