On first-name terms with teachers

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I have been in the Netherlands for over a year now and I can confidently say that I am now used to the Dutch culture,…

‘Even finding food is a challenge’

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When Ruth Ngadze came to the Netherlands from Zimbabwe as part of…

Should WUR still recruit students?

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Lecture halls are bursting at the seams, there is a shortage of…

App helps improve soil quality

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Farmers can now use a Soil Quality App (SQAPP) to test and…

A farmer’s son in Brussels

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Who? Stijn Broekhuis (26), MSc student of Animal Sciences (Wageningen University) and…

YOU on Campus: ‘I don’t find Wageningen town anything special but the surroundings are pretty cool.’

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Laurens van der Hart (21), a third-year Bachelor’s student doing International Land…
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A break: Gap year after Bachelor’s more popular

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More students are arranging a gap between their Bachelor’s and their Master’s.…

Student population grows by 5 per cent

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The total number of students at Wageningen University grew this academic year…

Chewing gum withholds most of its flavour

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You might as well spit chewing gum out after a couple of…

Plant breeding companies are turning their back on the Netherlands and WUR

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Plant breeding companies are moving their R&D departments out of Europe or…