Zeppelin avoids Binnenveld due to flight ban

Nature & environment
All of Wageningen saw the zeppelin. All of Wageningen? No, a small group of brave scientists in the Binnenveld nature area was standing in the…

Students borrow and save

Nature & environment
A third of all students borrow money from student funding agency DUO:…
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State advocate denies existence of part-time degrees

Nature & environment
In the lawsuit about the slow student fine that has just ended,…

Tackling varroa in time helps bee through winter

Nature & environment
Tackling varroa mites in July is the best way of helping bee…

New Helix building shaping up

Nature & environment
The design for the new AFSG building will be completed in September…

No more Kameleon

Nature & environment
Wageningen UR will stop using Kameleon, the project management system in DLO.…

Women sailing team second in Friesian marathon

Nature & environment
Crowds thronged to the Friesian waters last weekend, where 150 teams competed…

Millions of euros coming from foreign students

Nature & environment
Foreign students could be contributing as much as 740 million euros each…

Pollution in big rivers going up

Nature & environment
The world's major rivers are getting more polluted with nitrogen and phosphorus.…

Students propose new mountain biking trail

Nature & environment
Students of Van Hall Larenstein Applied Sciences University today presented a proposal…